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Pet Adoption

10 Reasons a Rescue Pet Should Be Your Next Pet

By November 7, 2022 December 16th, 2022 No Comments

Did you know that Old Towne Animal Hospital works with local pet rescue groups providing care for sick and injured pets awaiting their forever home? We are passionate about the work we do with pet rescues. So much so in fact that we’ve got 10 reasons you should consider bringing a rescue pet into your family.

  1. Adopting a pet saves a life. Pet rescue groups often help pets from overcrowded shelters that are at risk of being euthanized, and actively work to find them a home. Adopting a pet from a shelter or rescue frees up more space for them to save more lives!
  2. Adoption is typically less expensive upfront than purchasing a pet from a breeder or pet store. Rescues often have already had their pets spayed or neutered, as well as paid for diagnostic tests and any immediate treatments that pets need. You will also have a better idea if the pet will need regular treatments in the future for certain conditions like allergies. (NOTE: We don’t mean to downplay acquiring pets from breeders. Reputable breeders work hard and invest a lot of money to breed pets that are of good temperaments and health.)
  3. By adopting a rescue pet, you will help to decrease the demand for commercial breeding In California, dogs cannot be purchased from a pet store unless that pet is being showcased for a reputable animal rescue group, humane society or shelter.
  4. If you adopt a mixed-breed dog, you will have a unique pet that doesn’t look like any other. Some of the fun of adoption is wondering what combination of breeds your new pet has or waiting for the DNA test to tell you what your pet’s origins are.
  5. Adopting a pet can improve your health. Pets help us be more active, improve our sleep, manage our stress, lower our risk of heart disease, and reduce allergies when adopted into families with young children. Helping a pet in need is an incredible act of kindness that has been shown to improve an adopter’s overall sense of well-being. In fact, studies show that providing a family and home for a shelter cat is associated with boosts in serotonin and dopamine (i.e., our feel-good hormones).
  6. Adopting an adult pet can be so much easier as you avoid the puppy/kitten stage. Most rescue pets are already house-trained and come with many other fun tricks to show you! Plus, you will have a better idea of their personality and energy level when adopting from a rescue as they assess pets’ temperaments before allowing pets to be adopted.
  7. You can be the next Instagram star as you brag about your new pet and show off their unique personality. At the same time, you can subtly promote how wonderful it is to adopt a rescue pet! You may even be able to snag a sponsorship from brands that support rescue pet initiatives!
  8. Rescue pets can make great therapy animals. These pets typically have had “life experience” so you can talk to them about your day, and they won’t judge!
  9. Speaking of life experience, yours will never be boring again. You’ve brought a new personality into your life who will entertain you, give you perspective, and change your life in ways you won’t even think of until it happens!
  10. You’re giving a pet a second chance at life. Just imagine the new experiences you can give a rescue pet: their first road trip, swim in a lake or run on a beach, new treats and new friends (four-AND two-legged!) You will be changing both of your lives for the better!


Still concerned about adopting a rescue pet? Please ask: we’ll help you make the best decision for your family.

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